Someone said you are what you eat. How true in today’s society with the number of obese people growing at an alarming rate. Although it is easy to blame them we also must remember the greed of the food conglomorates. What are they pumping in to the animals and spraying on the fruit and vegetables? How do they make the cows fatter and the apples last longer and stay crispy? Those chemicals they use enter our bodies. In the case of meat, the hormones used to fatten the animals must have an effect on us. Do you remember what food use to taste like before the greedy conglomorates took control of the producers? The banana sold in America is a perfect example. Once you leave the grocery store they last about a day before going brown on the outside. The actual banana has some sort of fungus growing on it. A thin vein of red exploding into a large red spot. Has anyone tested this fungus to see what it does to the human body?