What behind the Picture?
Sorting through the family photos can be an enjoyable experience. There will be those moments when reflecting on the picture we remember sad moments. After my mothers death I asked for one thing, the family photos. For what reason I never really thought. Maybe to hide the embarrassing ones of me dressed as a little girl called Monica for a fancy dress competition. Don’t think I won.
There was one photo I knew on what day it was taken even though it was torn at the edges. June 3rd 1953, the day the Queen was crowned. Our street had a party for the children inside some one house. Sandwiches, cake, ice cream and jelly would have been the menu. It was after all just after the Second World War and the rationing of food was coming to an end. I look at the picture and wonder what happened to the others who sat down at the tables. I grew up with them, many I played Cowboys and Indians. I think I was always an Indian. Okay, I like the feather hat. With a few of them I played doctors and nurses but that another story.
I know their names and check out to see if they are on Facebook or Friends United. Sadly I only found one. What happened to their lives, did they marry have children of their own?
Many questions unanswered, yet the source of inspiration for a writer to use. Until recently School reunions were a rare event in Britain. Like prom dances reunions were imported from America.
The accompanying this blog is the party picture. I am the little boy in the middle of the back row with the flowers behind me. Looking like butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth, oh so innocent.