
Millions of people write poetry only a select few get recognized. Sometimes it is the emotional outlet for those in love, upset or even angry. Wordsworth with his daffodils was writing about what he saw and what he felt. I truly believe everyone should read at least one poem a day. Why? Your whole life could be uncovered in a single poem and therefore, make sense at last.
Also, there are so many good poets to choose from: Poe, Keats, Frost, Auden and too many more to list. My favourite is Betjeman. I have for many years loved the poems of John Clare as well. They calm and shut out the horrors of this world for a few minutes, allowing a brief respite from the world.
The following poem is one of mine. It was written because I found an empty gin bottle in the gutter outside a church covered in confetti.

Bill And Mary

Bill and Mary were married, last Saturday.
The whole town came to see.
Now all that's left are
memories and that bottle with its
contents of confetti.
Collected by a small child,
who lives in future fantasy.

Bill and Mary may never
see that bottle or its contents of confetti,
They may, if some kind soul tells them,
hear of a small child who bottled their one and only day.
But I doubt it.

What the future holds for
Bill and Mary,
May be in that bottle
among its contents of confetti.
And yet it may have been washed down the drain.
A child can only collect so many memories.

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