Nail Me To Nihilism

Oh my blessed Socrates

Self control individually

Myself action for myself happiness

I mourn your loss

I love your morality

Vauvenargues, La Rochefoucauld, Nicolas Chamfort

Buried in their own hypocrisy and delusion

All animals have morality

Not all animals are equal

Free us from the slavery of democracy

The politician and criminal are but the same

Mirrored through the looking glass of the community

Man steals from man

Only the rats are left to pick over the pieces

Nietzsche believed in the supreme man

The Tea Party believed they are the supreme race

Reagan and Thatcher the empire demolition dream team

Jenga politics for the workingman

The decline of the American global dictatorship

World peace after the death of the human race

Only the bankers, politicians and Justin Bieber wannabe’s

Left alive to sing for their supper

Nail me to nihilism

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