How do you make Money

How do you make money? For years people have said you should write what you know. I don’t know how to murder someone. I have never used a gun, where you stab someone with a knife to kill them eludes me. Poisons are messy chemicals. Though I have met many people who have murdered others. Years ago growing up in Birmingham England there was a very famous murder. A young girl staying at the YWCA was killed. Her body cut up and displayed as though it was in butchers shop. The city went into panic mode until the murderer was caught. I was a friend of the pathologist son and heard all the gory details. The father of a school friend was arrested, tried and convicted of murdering four people. We were both twelve years old. When told he began to shake then bust into tears. His stern, uncompassionate grandfather gave him a backhanded slap. Then told him to grow up he wasn’t a child anymore. He never recovered from that ordeal and became a hermit in the Welsh mountains. Dying a f...